Ok, so I wouldn't be wearing leather pants to any sporting event, but you're missing my point here people. It was like looking in a rear view mirror. For a brief moment, I let myself be jealous of their cool clothes and their ability to go out at a moment's notice without having to find a babysitter first.

But then I jumped back into my reality and realized it was so much better.

We grabbed the kids, some peanuts and our seats. We danced, picked out our favorite Thunder girl (Yes, he's only five, but he is his father's son), cheered when our team made a basket, and yelled when it was time to "D-up!".
Today's lesson is a simple one. Enjoy your life. The one you're living.
There's a great quote by Albert Einstein, written on a sticky note, I keep on my desk. It says, "There are only two ways to live your life: One, as though nothing is a miracle; the other, as though everything is a miracle."

Which way are you headed?
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