Does this mean I'll run another marathon for better time? Never say never! ...which were the exact words out of my mouth immediately following the race. It was painful and long; however, there is also this sick, twisted part of me that wants to do it again and do it better. I mean, Darius from the Biggest Loser, smoked it in 4:02! He's a fellow Ardmorite....go Darius!

This was me post race. I was too nauceous to eat my brunch, but I did manage a couple of drinks and fell asleep in the car on the way home. Bryan asked as we walked in the door if I wanted to take a shower. To which I quickly replied, "no, nap first, shower later." Then I proceeded to face plant on the couch.

So, I've enjoyed not running for a few weeks. I started Jillian Michael's "Making the Cut" book; however, MC Hammer followed up with Kristi's birthday lead to a little "diet detour" if you will. If only drinking made you skinny....
But since I'm too legit...too legit to quit, ah ah...I'm still plugging along with my workouts and menus. I've lost approximately 5 lbs in two weeks. I'm so impatient though. That being said, I am not consumed with the number on the scale, but more how my body looks and feels. Speaking of looking, may I present to you Exhibit A:

That's how I want to be....toned, athletic, oh! and don't forget tan. If only my abs would cooperate....

Maybe I'll just borrow his for awhile. Ya, you're welcome.

Ten days until lake season officially begins. I love summer!
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