Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Got The Music In Me

Do you ever wake up with a song already playing in your head? For me, that's a constant. I'm a 33 year old wife and mother of two boys, who feels she missed her true calling as a rock star. Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade my family for all the gold in China; but thinking back, I always dreamed of becoming a famous singer.

My taste for music has always been eclectic, but I've always had an affinity for rock. The first record I ever owned was the single, Another One Bites the Dust by Queen. Wow, what a song! I don't care who you are...when you first hear that low, mean guitar, your shoulders automatically start to move, and you take on a whole new persona. You've got swagger, baby! Ya! Don't deny it. You know what I'm talking about. You're like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. I would dance to this song with such verocity. That's right, I said verocity. I mean just look at Freddy Mercury. He is the absolute definition of the word of rock star!

com/default.aspx?term=Freddy,Mercury,Queen&iid=4629311" target="_blank">Queen Concert

So, I mentioned my appreciation for all music genres. Point in case, I also loved the song Elvira by the Oak Ridge Boys. But who doesn't love a good, "Oom Poppa Mow Mow" every now and then.

We all have our passions and mine is music. It encompasses all I do. Literally! When I was 16, I had a blow out in my 1974 olive green Mustang, complete with white vinyl top and matching shag carpet. You know the one. It had the long, sloping front like a Pinto. Hey, I worked all summer and saved $600 bucks, so my parents could surprise me with this beauty. To which, they were appalled and disgusted at my ungratefulness (did I mention I paid for the car) when I wasn't exactly thrilled with my new chariot. Anyway, the car only had an AM radio, and I was on my way to work one day when POW! I had a blow out, thereby wrecking my car. The song I'd been singing, to myself, b/c I didn't have a decent radio...I Can't Drive 55. Please tell me you can see the humor in that.

Well, this is the beginning. ...of my life by music. I hope you enjoyed it.

To be continued...

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